There are certain insurance plans which provide income replacement to an individual if and when he becomes disabled, to meet his needs. You can protect your family with our disability insurance at Legacy Partners Insurance & Financial Services Inc. whether it’s a short-term disability or a long-term disability, it might affect your income which is an irreplaceable asset of your life. Having established a partnership with some of the leading insurance carriers has helped us succeed in this business for the past years. Apart from insuring your homes and cars, our agents work very hard to help you at times when you lose your ability to work. Since most people don’t understand the effects of becoming disabled, our professionals will discuss with you the threats you might face and the remedies that we have for those. Legacy Partners is here to make disability income insurance an affordable and effective solution for the people of Pasadena, Fresno, Beverly Hills, Encino, Glendale, and Van Nuys.

Below we have mentioned 3 common reasons why you should have disability insurance. Take a look.
- Social security can’t do it all
Though Social Security does offer disability insurance, most of the time they do not satisfy your needs. To get all the formalities started might take over a year and by the time your application gets approved the amount that comes is never enough to make up for your previous income.
- It’s not that expensive
As opposed to what you might have heard, these insurance policies cost only about 1% of your income. And, in return, the insurance covers two-third of your income every year after you develop a long term disability.
- Your dependents need your income
If you have no one who depends on you, then you can do without disability insurance. But if you have an old parent or an entire family to feed, then this policy will protect them when you lose your ability to work.
So, if you want disability insurance, you can contact our agents on 855-966-6884.